Sunday, September 17, 2017

My Experience with Moms in Drug Treatment

For the last three years, I have been involved in working with a drug treatment center. This particular program is geared towards women who are mothers, and includes a children’s therapeutic program. In 2014, I started working on the children’s team for this nonprofit organization. I no longer work there, but I volunteer regularly. During my experience at this treatment center, I have gained a deep respect for mothers in drug treatment. I’d like to share some of my experiences about these moms. 

Moms in drug treatment are amazing. All have been through difficult life circumstances. Many have gone through things I can barely imagine. Trauma, abuse, depression and other mental illness, homelessness, and family history of drug abuse are among what these women have experienced. And yet, they are in drug treatment trying to get their lives back. These moms are trying to recover from their addiction. All while taking care of their children. 

I can barely handle what’s on my own plate as a mom. The mothers I see in drug treatment are balancing all the normal mom duties, along with hours of therapy, parent education, jobs, and detoxing from their DOC (drug of choice). I truly admire these women. The strength it takes to come from such a dark place and rise above it is a great thing to see.

Now, not all these moms get through drug treatment successfully. I personally witnessed some very sad circumestances. Many of the moms have to go through drug treatment several times before they can beat their addiction. But I find it so empowering the moms that continue to persevere until they are clean. 

Being on the children’s team, I’ve seen a lot of beautiful moments between moms and their children. Many of the moms were reunited with their kids during the treatment program, and had to regain a bond with their children. I loved watching the journey of moms and their children learn to trust one another and form a deeper mother/child love. Many of these moms are wonderful with their children. Each mom comes in with her own capabilities and usually grows into an even better mother. 

If you are a mother in drug treatment, or have been in the past, know that you are not alone. Many moms have gone through this. And know that I think you are strong, beautiful, and a great mom. You are a good mom because you are fighting to gain control over your life. You are doing your best to take care of your children. 

Mom in drug treatment…please keep fighting. You are worth it.

If you have any thoughts you'd like to add to this discussion, please let me know in the comments.


  1. It's a struggled indeed, great article to share cara... please stop by on my blog, since I have experienced of my own...
    Thank you

  2. What a beautiful blog. We as people seem to condemn drug users instead trying to understand their story. I love this blog post and you are such an amazing person!

  3. Motherhood is so challenging under the best of circumstances.... I can only imagine how much harder it must be for moms fighting addiction... shell
