Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Quick and Easy Guide to Introducing Food to Your Baby

So, your baby is ready to start eating food, but you’re not sure where to begin? In my experience working with babies, I’ve had my fair share of times introducing food to little ones. I’m going to answer some common questions parents may have about feeding babies.

How do I know when my baby is ready to eat?
The first thing you need to do is look for signs your baby is ready to start eating baby food. Babies are usually ready to start eating between ages 4 and 6 months. Your baby may start to show you he/she is ready by staring at your food. Another sign is the baby will open their mouth when you are eating. A child is physically ready to eat food when they can reasonably hold their own head and upper body weight. Not all kids will show interest in food, but it’s still important to start feeding children by 6 months of age, unless there are special circumstances. 

What should I feed my baby and how much?
When you begin to feed your child, it’s a good idea to start with rice cereal. It is usually pretty soft on baby’s tummy. Rice cereal is a good introduction to food since it’s pretty bland and similar to formula and breastmilk. Be sure to make the rice cereal very thin when your little one is just beginning. It should be pretty mushy and easy to swallow. 

Don’t worry about the baby eating much food when he/she first starts. It’s more about giving the child the new experience of eating rather than filling their bellies. When babies start eating, they still rely mostly on milk to get their nutrients. You don’t have to begin with giving your child baby food at every meal time. With my daughter, Nini, I fed her once a day for about the first month; that seemed to be enough. Just feed your baby regularly so they can get used to the idea of eating.

When should I introduce more variety of baby food?
As the baby gets older and becomes more comfortable with food, you can gradually thicken up the rice cereal. Around 5 to 6 months old, you can also introduce other types of baby food. Be sure to give the baby only one kind of food at a time. Do this for about three to seven days. This is so you can check for allergic reactions to a specific food. 

As you introduce new flavors to your baby, I would suggest you start with as many veggies as possible. I’ve noticed babies who get vegetables first before fruits tend to eat veggies better as they get older. Fruit flavors are so strong that babies tend to enjoy the flavor more. They are less likely to eat veggies if they have fruits first. I would recommend skipping the meat flavored baby food. I have rarely seen a baby enjoy the meat flavors, and meat can be introduced later as a solid. 

When should I give my baby solid foods?
When your baby is between 7 and 10 months, you can start giving thicker baby food and some solids. Puffs are a good introduction to solid foods. They are small and dissolve really quickly in the mouth. When your baby seems to be doing well with puffs, you can move onto solids like graham crackers and Cheerios, which are pretty safe. You can also start giving your little one thicker baby food and baby food with chunks in it. If you feel comfortable, you can also start introducing foods like peanut butter. I would suggest talking to your pediatrician before giving your child peanut butter, though, since it’s a common allergy. 

From about 9 months to a year, you can start to give your baby pretty much anything. Just make sure it is still baby friendly so your child will not choke. You can squish or mash foods so it’s easier for your little one to eat. I’d also suggest making foods either really tiny, like the size of a puff, or big, like a cookie or whole graham cracker. Both help to prevent choking. Foods like hot dogs and grapes can be especially dangerous as choking hazards, so make sure you cut these foods thin.

How does my child learn to eat independently?
As your child learns how to eat, it’s also important for them to learn to feed themselves. Start letting your child practice holding a spoon and fork around 6 months old. I like baby friendly spoons like ones made by Nuby. Give your baby a sippy or regular cup between 6 and 8 months. Introducing a cup early is important. I really like Munchkin Miracle 360 Sippy Cups because they train a baby’s mouth how to drink from a regular cup without making a complete mess. 

How do I keep my child safe while eating?
While having your baby start eating is an exciting time, it can also be a scary one with the possibility of choking and allergies. Make foods baby safe with the suggestions I mentioned earlier. Always keep a close eye on your child, and freshen up on your baby CPR skills.

Well I hope this gives you some good ideas on how to introduce food to your baby. Do you have any advice for introducing food to babies? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. I am trying to make my baby learn that how can she feed her. She is 14 months old and she tries to eat by herself but she can't hold spoons properly. Your article is well written.

  2. We started our baby on solids at 6 months. We had attempted when she was close to 5 months, but wasn't interested at the time. Now she is 9 months and eats anything we give her in pureed form. We tried slices of bananas, but she had trouble picking those slimy pieces up and we almost had a panic attack when she swallowed one, luckily she didn't choke, but will probably avoid giving her anything bigger than a puff for now...
