Monday, November 20, 2017

9 Ways I'm Thankful for My Family

Having a family can be messy and difficult. Sometimes family life is so hard, I can barely handle the strain. But through it all, the ups and downs, I'm thankful for my family. With Thanksgiving just a few days away, I want to reflect on the ways I'm most grateful for my family. This is a list of some of the reasons why I'm thankful for my family, in no particular order.

1. I'm thankful for the toys I step on, the piles of laundry waiting to be folded, and the stashes of built up paper. I'm glad I have mess. All these things drive me crazy, and I can never seem to keep ahead of the junk. I'm thankful it's around, though. It means my home is lived in. It's a safe space where my family can let their guard down.

2. I'm thankful for income. At this point in my life, I am a stay-at-home mom. My family's main source of income is my husband, Ryan. There are times I feel bad for not making money, and I may complain about not having enough. I'm grateful my husband is willing and able to provide for our family financially.

My little family 2017
3. I'm thankful for my family's love. Through good times and bad, I'm grateful for the love they give me. I love my little family so much, and I know they love me, as well. Having that kind of love is an amazing gift, and one I will always cherish.

4. I'm thankful for little kid cuddles. My daughter, Nini, is a toddler and starting to grow out of the super cuddly phase. But I'm grateful for her cuddles when I can get them, and that she still likes being rocked before nap and bedtime. Even when she no longer wants to cuddle with me, I will be thankful I had the opportunity to bond with her in that way.

5. I'm thankful for inside jokes and random bursts of laughter. Ryan and I have many inside jokes we think are hilarious, likely no one else would understand or find funny. I'm glad we get to connect through out mutually stupid sense of humor. I'm equally thankful for a toddler who does random and ridiculous things. Ryan and I will start laughing, and Nini will join in and often repeat her silly behaviors to get more of a response from us. 

6. I'm thankful for a wonderful spouse. I know I'm so lucky to have Ryan in my life. It's a rare gift to meet someone who gets you so well. We've been married for almost five years, and I still appreciate how wonderful he is. I'm grateful for a strong marriage where we can communicate and continue to grow together.

7. I'm thankful for having my family to get me through difficulties. Life can be devastating at times. I'm grateful I have my family to help me when times get tough. I can rely on them, and in turn, they can lean on me through life's challenges.

My little family 2015

8. I'm thankful for being able to do fun activities together. I'm grateful my family can be together on holidays, go to the park, or simply stay home and watch a movie together. I'm glad my family are my "go-to" people to do fun things with. 

9. I'm thankful for a strong support system in my family. We can walk together through life knowing each member will be there for one another.

So that wraps up my list. I know I could keep going about the ways I'm grateful for my family, but then I'd have a novel on my hands. Now I'd like to hear from you. In what ways are you thankful for your family? Let me know in the comments!

You may also enjoy some of my other blog posts:
"What Does It Mean to Be a Dad?"
"My Experience with Moms in Drug Treatment"
"Family Connections and Crossing the Generational Lines"

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